Dear Captain Eagle,

I just wanted you to know my children have enjoyed reading the Avian Kingdom “Neither Night nor Day” and they are expectantly waiting to get the opportunity to read the rest of the books.  I have created a play for the first two chapters of the book, at this time, and we were able to practice them up until near Christmas.  I would just like to say thank you for the care you have all taken in creating such wonderful literature and making it so suitable for children/adults all ages.  I am hoping to be able to record the play and send you a copy of it before the school year ends.  I would also like to ask if we could have your permission to be able to perform the play at a care center and other local places here in our hometown?  I want the community to have the opportunity to see what happens when we allow our children to read and be creative with something they enjoy, other than video games and physical sports alone.

Thank you again,
Ms. Rita Rios
4th grade bilingual teacher

Ms. Rita Rios, 4th Grade Bilingual Teacher